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Kick Chaos to the Curb!

Feel that chaos closing in? Here are 3 simple steps to implement today that will kick chaos to the curb!


We are in the final stretch of 2023. There is a lot of hustle and bustle in the stores, our homes, our workplaces, and especially our minds! This end-of-the-year flurry can bring about a sense of panic and anxiety and quickly create an atmosphere of chaos if we allow it. I want to challenge you and myself to focus on the following three steps whenever our calm begins to spin out of control.


1.     Ground Yourself. When we feel the rush, the pressure, the darts from every angle, we temporarily lose our sense of direction. Pausing at that moment to remember your original goal will ground you and bring clarity to the next step. Often, what is coming at you hot and fast is not an emergency and may not even be relevant to the task. They are often distractions, tactics of the enemy to overwhelm you. They may be important, but are they “right now” tasks? Keep a running list on your phone for these items that pop up throughout the day. (or write them on the back of an old receipt as I often have) It’s important to get them out of your head. Stay with your original plan, and trust that the Lord will work everything out as you continue in step with Him. The Lord gives peace, not chaos.


2.     Own your No.  This includes financially, mentally, physically, and spiritually! In the chaos, this is an excellent opportunity to practice setting boundaries. Boundaries are often associated with our relationships with people, yet they are just as beneficial when applied to our finances, mindsets, and spiritual life. This season is about celebrating the birth of our Saviour, not about going into debt and attempting to prove our love for others through material gifts. Setting a firm limit on what you will spend is your responsibility. This is also a season of reflection on how Jesus has changed your life and the freedom He has brought you. It is not a time to be enslaved in mindsets of not being “enough” in an area of your life. His life, death, and resurrection were out of a deep love for you alone! You are worthy! This is also a time to be a Mary, not a Martha. Choosing to sit at the feet of Jesus is the better way. Overwhelming yourself in the busyness is not. And yes, the Sabbath still stands even though the world will tell you there’s not enough time to rest! Own your no.


3.     Practice gratitude. This step will always be on my list! The best way to stay out of the comparison trap is to be uber-focused on what you do have. Purpose yourself to be grateful for the blessings God has bestowed on your life. No blessing from His hands is small. This journey is your own! You were not created like anyone else, so your life will not look like anyone else – that is wonderful if you embrace it! You may need to step away from social media until you are more confident. Celebrate the life God has you living right now! Start small with what you can see, and let the gratitude grow. This is another area where keeping a list is helpful.


I’d encourage you to start each day reflecting on the above steps; even just 5 minutes can set the tone before you even get going. Revisit these in prayer throughout the day, whether in a quiet place or the middle of a drive-through – God is with you, listening, waiting, ready to help! His peace is powerful and freely given to you! Kick chaos to the curb and claim the peace of God today!

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